Using the Starter Site to promote an event


Homepage template



Events Detail Page



Templates use drag and drop block elements, which mean more flexibility and customisation options


These templates use the same block elements as the ones you see on the demo version of the Starter Site and demonstrate how different the site can look when new styling and CSS are added.

The beauty of using the Starter Site, is that all of the base functionality is there, along with some minimal styling that can easily adapt to your organisation's brand. This allows for your team to spend your money on the things that make the site unique and targeted for it's purpose.

At the end of the design phase after all templates have been given the new branded look and feel and any new bespoke templates added, a final design system is created in Figma for both the reference of the developers, and for your organisation internally. The design system includes the colours, styles for fonts, buttons and elements along with the page templates. In this instance, for the purpose of the event, social media treatments have been included and will have their templates and elements included in the guide to make it quick and easy to create the adverts.



Adverts for Instagram Stories, Youtube Shorts or Tiktok

Assets for creating the desired social media types are included in the Design System along with the assets for the website.


Adverts for Instagram, Linked In & Twitter

These sites all offer a square option for the advert. The templates for these with their assets are also included in the design system.

The design team at Catalyst also creates media for printed items if needed. That can be discussed separately from the website and media portion of the project.